Dignitana ( announces that New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed a bill to provide insurance coverage for scalp cooling systems used to preserve hair during chemotherapy treatment for cancer. The act will take effect January 1, 2026. With this legislation (A38-A/S2063-A (,hairduringcancerchemotherapytreatment.)), New York becomes the first state in the U.S. to require private health insurers…
Dignitana ( has signed a Distribution Agreement for Boosst to be the exclusive provider of The DigniCap Scalp Cooling System in Ecuador and Peru. Initiating the agreement, Boosst has purchased two DigniCap Delta devices which will be delivered this month and used at Life & Hope Specialty Care in Quito. DigniCap is an innovative medical device…
Dignitana AB (publ) (”Bolaget”) avhöll den 23 maj 2024 årsstämma i Malmö. Vid stämman fattades bland annat följande beslut. Fastställande av årsbokslut och ansvarsfrihet Stämman beslutade att fastställa resultat- och balansräkning för Bolaget och koncernen för räkenskapsåret 2023. Stämman beslutade även om ansvarsfrihet för styrelseledamöterna och verkställande direktören för deras förvaltning av Bolagets angelägenheter under…
Dignitana AB publicerar idag bolagets årsredovisning för 2023. Årsredovisning för verksamhetsåret 2023 finns tillgänglig på företagets webbplats ( eller kan laddas ner här. Årsredovisningen publiceras på svenska. Det går även att beställa en utskriven version via ( Dignitana announces legislation signed to require insurance coverage for New York patients using scalp cooling to preserve hair during chemotherapy
Dignitana signs Boosst as exclusive distributor in Ecuador and Peru
Kommuniké från årsstämma i Dignitana AB (publ)
Dignitana AB publicerar Årsredovisningen för 2023
Dignitana AB Publishes Q3 2024 Interim Report
More progress in reimbursement Financial highlights Q3 2024 · Net Sales amounted to 22.8 MSEK (22.2), an increase of 3 percent over the same quarter in 2023. · Operating Result amounted to -0.7 MSEK (-3.2). · Net Result after financial items amounted to -1.5 MSEK (-3.7). · EBITDA for the third quarter is positive at…
Please note that the content of this website is not intended as professional medical or healthcare advice and should not be construed as a substitute for professional healthcare advice, or services from a qualified professional healthcare provider familiar with your unique situation. This content is intended solely as a general product and corporate information.
Dignitana AB
Traktorgränden 3
226 60 Lund, Sweden
+46 46 16 30 90
10925 Estate Lane, Suite 185
Dallas, TX 75238
+1 469-917-5555
Dignitana S.r.l.
Corso di Porta Nuova, 46
20121 Milan, Italy